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主题: [闲聊]话说男大当婚,女大当嫁
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作者 [闲聊]话说男大当婚,女大当嫁   
所跟贴 [闲聊]话说男大当婚,女大当嫁 -- 阿修罗 - (656 Byte) 2008-12-18 周四, 06:25 (2559 reads)

头衔: 海归少校

头衔: 海归少校
声望: 学员

加入时间: 2008/01/25
文章: 391

海归分: 10197

文章标题: my 2cents (560 reads)      时间: 2008-12-18 周四, 07:25

作者:moneymaker海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

I assume that you are

1. around 26, senior associate level at consulting firm

2. educated from well upsprings.

3. have high opinion about your look, intell...

It will not be easier to find your 'Mr. Right' before reaching 30. After you find him, most likely you will find his faults afterwards...

My suggestions:

1. get married soon, to someone you feel comfortable with, 70-80 on 100 scale

2. mentally prepared to find someone else later.

3. after finding out what you truly wnat in life, decide on staying with the guy or not

4. purely speculation on my side, most Chiense females with your situation need a second marriage.

A marriage will make you grow really faster. Instead of YY, do it. If you are confident as you claimed, what are you afraid of?

作者:moneymaker海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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