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主题: 一年一度的留交会又要到来了,与会同学中少不了想要找投资的,一想到找投资就想到VC。但是VC适合你吗?
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作者 一年一度的留交会又要到来了,与会同学中少不了想要找投资的,一想到找投资就想到VC。但是VC适合你吗?   
所跟贴 一年一度的留交会又要到来了,与会同学中少不了想要找投资的,一想到找投资就想到VC。但是VC适合你吗? -- tutu - (2829 Byte) 2007-12-22 周六, 16:04 (2914 reads)

头衔: 海归中校

头衔: 海归中校
声望: 教授
性别: 性别:男
加入时间: 2007/02/17
文章: 836
来自: 苏州
海归分: 52976

文章标题: tutu的帖子我总是全部要看的。很少发帖,不过今天写两点共鸣 (545 reads)      时间: 2007-12-24 周一, 09:40   

作者:抢注G8海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

1. Key Question to ask yourself: Do you want to own 70% of a potentially bigger company in five years, or 100% of a much smaller company that may not able to grow?

Given a choice, I would much rather be an entrepreneur driven by greed. However, depending on different business and personal situations, the decisions will be made based on the current and future cash flow, current and future growth potentials, and other factors. I would choose the right time to give up a right portion of the company equity to the capable investors who will be able to help the company to the next level.

2. Which type of entrepreneur are you, driven by ego or by greed?
(Key Question for investors: Which would you rather invest in: an entrepreneur driven by greed or one driven by ego?) Giving up control may be hard on your ego, but can unleash growth.

Given a choice, the venture capitalist would much rather invest his money with a greed-driven entrepreneur for two reasons:
1) An entrepreneur who is driven by greed will make the decisions required to grow the company;
2) An entrepreneur who is driven by ego will be so focused on retaining control that he or she may not be able to attract growth capital.

作者:抢注G8海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

上一次由抢注G8于2007-12-25 周二, 00:12修改,总共修改了1次

新一轮的基建投资又开始了。各位有何评论啊? 海归商务 2012-5-26 周六, 13:41
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祝大家新年好!在主坛贴了海归网留交会聚会图片集,有合影留念 海归茶馆 2006-1-01 周日, 00:56
祝大家新年好!贴海归网留交会聚会图片集,有合影留念 海归论坛 2006-1-01 周日, 00:47
我已在留交会报到,需要联系我的同学请进 海归论坛 2004-12-27 周一, 16:58
[问题]广州留交会找投资商有希望吗? 海归主坛 2009-12-04 周五, 23:14

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