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主题: 美国热剧LAW&ORDER视频
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作者 美国热剧LAW&ORDER视频   

头衔: 海归准将

头衔: 海归准将
声望: 学员
性别: 性别:女年龄: 51
加入时间: 2005/09/14
文章: 679
来自: 某国驻华使馆
海归分: 106854

文章标题: 美国热剧LAW&ORDER视频 (887 reads)      时间: 2007-7-17 周二, 09:00   

作者:山东斯汀海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eq9zEcVQMjQ 明天的作业

https://sjl-v149.sjl.youtube.com/get_video?video_id=Eq9zEcVQMjQ 下载

Law & Order: Gotham Part 1 of 3

In the criminal justice system the people are represented by two separate and equally important groups, the police who investigated crime and district attorneys who prosecute the offenders.

These are their stories.

Scene 1

“Oh, I was just about to come to see you.”

“I’ve got to take the trash out first, Yesterday I saw the best movie with Matt Hagen in it. He plays a sculptor who falls in love with a……”

“Isn’t that woman Judy Nancy?”

“Yes, it is”

“You know they are going out”

“No they are not”
“Yes, they are”
“No, she is going out with Bruce Willis”

“Name is Philly Poi Lou, read his prints. Got a couple of hits in Chicago. He had been linked to the mob as professor Hitman. Call himself ‘the fish’. oh suspect of course.”

“Oh I knew some smelt fishy. Probably keep Maccathy looking for him an employment. Got a place of the residence?”

“yeah, right here. Also found this. Don’t know if it means anything though. The only thing legible sought on him”

“Ventriloquist’s club huh?”

“Yes, place down like a theatre group. Down there on Gorfinkle”

“Don is freaking me out”


“Yeah, Sent the body down to Frazex. Tell them I want a report at my desk by this afternoon ”

“Wilkes, meet me down at the Ventriloquist’s club down the Gorfinkle. We’re going fishing.”

Scene 2

“What are we doing here again?”

“Now calm down Charlie. Philly had a card from the Ventriloquist’s club and this is the only way that we have to go on.”

“Nothing like starting off today with a (----) faction, dead in”

“Don’t go think that I actually want to be here either, hold on, there he is”

“gentleman, Mr. Waster I presume, ”

“yes. How could I help you?

That’s detective Bullock and I’m detective Wilkes GCPD. What can you tell us about Philly Poi Lou?

Other than he is my best customer? Nothing.

Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news but Philly was gone down this morning just two blocks from here.

Oh, my
When was the last time you saw Mr. Poi Lou.

Well, just last night. I had a show and he was in the audience like he always was.

Did you know if Philly was having problems in his personal life? Anything out of the ordinary?

No, no, We never really discussed our private lives, he was just a fan. I mean, We chitchat a bit after our shows but that’s all about it. Please catch whoever did this.

We’ll do whatever we can.

I just don’t believe it. He appreciated the art more than anyone I know.

The art?


Clearly you are in shock, Mr. Waster, I’ll come back later on.

Will we really come back?

Man, you get down to franzix . Someone go check out Philly’s apartment.

You know I always love the stage.
No way.
Yeah, As I was 12 years, At high school production I played the vetnor, I great felloW of the first act.

Scene 3

Can I help you?
Oh I hope so; I’m detective Harvey Bullock, GCPD. As I understand this is the apartment of Philly Poi Lou.

Dare I whom ask who are you?
Philly’s roommate. Ben Dodson.

Well Mr. Dodson. Do you mind if I take a look around?

Sure, come in.
Is Philly in some kind of trouble?
Why would you say that?
The aldum usually come around and there is just something goes on.

Now that’s a kind of misconception about cops. You see, People need to realize we are here to save and protect. Say, we serve the common good by removing the trouble. Not creating it and by protecting the innocence from that trouble, we fulfilling our errands of saving it and protecting it.

So he is in trouble.

Oh no, actually, he is dead.

Yeah, he was found this morning. Tell me, did Philly have any kind of enemies?

No, he is usually in and out of town and I didn’t know him that well.

You say you didn’t know each other that well then how do you become roommates?

Oh internet. I was just moving from Chicago and I need a roommate so I put an ad out. He answered.

Did he have any friends or anything?

None did I know of. He usually gone work24-7

And where did he work?
He is a bar attendant down at a night club on Breyfogle, Roman empire

Did you said a Roman?

As in the Roman?
Yeah. Falcone’s Place

Yeah, Wilkes. Forget Franzix. Meet me downtown.

Scene 4

What may I do for Gotham’s finest today?
You can start by telling us what you know about Willis Poi Lou.

No, you want to know if I haven’t anything to do Poi Lou’s murder this morning and the answer is no.

How do you know he was murdered?

Well detective, I tend to provide myself of the things that happen to my city. Call it a hobby.
You could call it that.

You know when I hear to the information waves that some of my former employee has been murdered.

Former? We are under the impression that he still worked for you.

Your impression is wrong. Mr. Poi Lou left my employ nearly 3 weeks ago due to a pointless feud with another associate.

Could you tell us the name of the associate?

Well his name was Ronald Leads. But unfortunately after Poi Lou left my employ, Ronald was involved in a tragic accident and he is no longer in the land if he is living.

Oh you wouldn’t have anything to do with that. Right?

What is it that you are implying? Detective

Oh you are the one that like surfing around your information waves. You figure that out.
I’m inclined to believe that you think I have something to do with his death?

I’m just wondering what kind of bar hires Harfier Hyndman as bar tenders.
Well, you are the detective. You figure it out.

Hmm, Mr. Falcone, when was the last time you heard from Villi poilou?

The last time I heard from villi poilou was shortly after he left. Someone named Mr. Carle Parnikliv is calling to check a job for his friends. And now gentlemen, if you don’t mind, I have other more important matters to attend to. I’m sure you know the way out.

作者:山东斯汀海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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  • 美国热剧LAW&ORDER视频 -- 山东斯汀 - (6268 Byte) 2007-7-17 周二, 09:00 (887 reads)
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