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主题: [分享]走进苏丹(谨以此文欢迎在苏丹的中国妹妹emily)
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作者 [分享]走进苏丹(谨以此文欢迎在苏丹的中国妹妹emily)   

头衔: 海归准将

头衔: 海归准将
声望: 学员
性别: 性别:女年龄: 51
加入时间: 2005/09/14
文章: 679
来自: 某国驻华使馆
海归分: 106854

文章标题: [分享]走进苏丹(谨以此文欢迎在苏丹的中国妹妹emily) (1707 reads)      时间: 2007-6-16 周六, 16:19   

作者:山东斯汀海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6v0kf1T04dg 播放

https://chi-v211.chi.youtube.com/get_video?video_id=6v0kf1T04dg 下载

Inside Sudan /dictation/6/15(上周有一位中国妹妹加盟本群,此漂亮妹妹目前在苏丹的中石油工作,为表示欢迎,特找了一个关于苏丹的题材)

Get in the Sudan was really difficult, we had to fly London and waited in Sudanese ambassy, our contact to sudan talked to the ambassador and so the ambassador talke to some Minister,that, you know, our contact's father was friends with, so we were waiting, i'm like this is no way, this is gonna happen, and 11 hours we got the visa, they said we are ok, got on the plane, and through from there to Khartoum, and the minute you got off the plane,you like, em, what's happening here, because everyone's in djalabia, everyone's got turbans, there's no foriegn people there, there' no white people there,it's, it's like a very deserted airport,very empty, very hot, I mean since here a lots of security,lots of different, you know there's police there's army,there's secret policers,this and that, we talked to our fixer, and she said, oh, by the way, you might get all you camaras get confiscated and throw in jail, but don't worry, ok, you out, so we were terrified a minute, we got it, we'ar gonna get everything taken away from us, but when we went to 4 in the morning, so they were just sort of tire and bored and they just said, ok, go though, we'r gonna never check the bag which was fantastic,

we'v been even told that we should get some jalabia,jalabia, so that we fit in a little bit more,we don't cause so much conserlation, no matter we got off car here, where folks with a lot of tension, because they don't get a lot of foreigners here, and suspicious foriegners here, my pink Irish face is not gonna, djalabia, but we gonna give it shot,and you know we gonna take of the market, it's not tight that would be,what's your name.all the song that they were singing was so funny,they had seen sort of americans, you know dressed like them,they were not nicer, when we get the press credentials, we met the Sectory General of the Ministry for Imformation, and he was dressed exact same tribe garb, i just grab the stuff, but we had dressed exact same tribe garbs, so he allowed me, and he said,oh, you know, great, you should go to my friend's shape place to see the Madrasa, the Madrasa is a religious school, where you just learn the Koran, pakistan's Madrasa were where the Taliban came out of, it's where a lot of terrists came out of, ideological training ground for terrists, etc, etc, so sudan which incrediably close towards western media,and then i will see the nibs of madrasa of the children who had been orphaned by Darfur conflict, a huge queue, a lot of kids from Darfur come here, and they get put up by the Shake and just learn the Koran, that's it,Shake is like a rich guy but he also a religious leader,right, well, these kids's parents had been slaughtered, he brings them, feeds them, and cloths them, if they learn the Koran, just the Koran,there's no geography, these's no mathmatics, there's no foreign languages, there's no nothing.

so i just walking through there, you really get chill, because you realise that world has totally poor rised, and there is*** ,the rich world, the poor world,as you up to there you see, that the vision so clear to find, it gives you the share and say well if i walk out of there, i was running away, i got back in the car, and there's still thousands of kids burning in my head, you know going back forth back forth, and a lot of time looking at us and they are looking at us with hatre, and they are years old,

as heavy as Madrasa was, we went next day to see the alternative, and it was even worse.





作者:山东斯汀海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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