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主题: [老中原创] 中老向北京顶尖人口学教授[同学的老公]请教函
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作者 [老中原创] 中老向北京顶尖人口学教授[同学的老公]请教函   

头衔: 海归元帅

头衔: 海归元帅
声望: 大师
性别: 性别:男
加入时间: 2004/12/19
文章: 10727
来自: 苏州/天津/北京/重庆/美国
海归分: 1376775

文章标题: [老中原创] 中老向北京顶尖人口学教授[同学的老公]请教函 (1906 reads)      时间: 2008-1-01 周二, 14:13   

作者:laozhong海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

[老中原创] 中老向北京顶尖人口学教授[同学的老公]请教函

your husband's 人口研究 made me very interested because I believe quite some population statistics data seem to be very sensitive and, therefore, I support our government's decision not to publish all the data, some of which may make people behave undesirable.

For example, what the percentages of babies born in recent years were from mothers in the cities of mainland China???

Since u can hardly spot any pregnant woman on street in China nowadays, I gather there might be only a very small percentage of babies who have their mothers holding HU4 KOU3 in the cities of China.

Note that our government is making 1% more city people every year for last 20+ years, which has made almost 50% Chinese people now have HU4 KOU3 in the cities of China.

Therefore, the real urban babies could be quite few, which would create serious problems in the near future. [I believe richer Singapore recently proposed merging with poorer Malaysia could be because Singapore probably has less than 10000 babies born each year recently and the country will disappear soon!]

The reason I am interested in this is because I want to encourage my students from countryside that NO MATTER HOW ADVANTAGEOUS THE CITY PEOPLE ARE, THEY ARE BECOMING EXTINCT AND YOU GUYS WILL DOMINATE CHINA [AND THE WORLD]!!!

Can u give me your home number so that I can call u from China to learn from your husband?

BTW, 潘绥铭 has been publishing at least 30+ articles I wrote at his official website. We met in Chongqing and he invited me to participate his 6/18/2007 meeting with all travel expenses paid [but I did not go thinking I am not really academic in his circle.]

Best wishes,

John Peng 86-13996468363



老中研究报告: 城里女孩渐成稀有动物?

2007-01-31 23:15:45


根据国家2000年第五次人口普查, 大陆共有12.7亿人[含农业人口8.1亿], 其中北京1380万[含农业人口300万], 上海1640万[含农业人口400万, 外来男性223万, 外来女性165万]

0-4岁女孩2000年全国4300万, 占3.4%, 北京[含郊区]21万, 占1.5%, 上海[含郊区]22万, 占1.3%. 说明城市居民生育率远低于农村. 如果说2000年上海0-4岁每个年龄组平均尚有4.4万女孩, 2005年已经下降到不足三万, 其中生于城市家庭的可能只有一万!!!

如果你认为我危言耸听的话, 我告诉你, 全国20-29岁女性从1990的1.16亿降到2005的0.94亿[2000年1.03亿, 占8.1%], 而0-9岁女孩2000年有9千万[7.1%], 二十年下降12%

相形之下, 上海20-29岁女性2000年有115万, 占6.9%, 而0-9岁女孩仅47万, 占2.7%, 二十年下降60%!!!

要想找点感觉的话, 就在市中心站上一天, 看你能碰到几个孕妇?

新加坡由于没有农村人口, 国将不国, 目前对所有促成男女交往的活动和生意, 政府买单80%.

所以, 女人大可以沉住气坐观其变: 中国财富越来越多, 女人[尤其是美女]越来越少, 女人这只股票, 绝对会一路看涨好几十年!!!

老中 2007-01-30

作者:laozhong海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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  • [老中原创] 中老向北京顶尖人口学教授[同学的老公]请教函 -- laozhong - (2564 Byte) 2008-1-01 周二, 14:13 (1906 reads)
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