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主题: [分享]昨日见到李安
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作者 [分享]昨日见到李安   

头衔: 海归少校

头衔: 海归少校
声望: 学员

加入时间: 2006/03/02
文章: 196

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文章标题: [分享]昨日见到李安 (1964 reads)      时间: 2007-12-15 周六, 19:06   

作者:ttd海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

lust, caution 在英国the Gate cinema, preview + Q&A with Ang Lee. 全英国数十家电影院同时卫星直播。

剧院不大,中等size, 80% 外国人(欧洲人)。没有看到犯人受刑的场面。别的,ie, s>e<x>o<r>n. hongkong and sex are lust, shanghai is caution. 提到麻将,ang lee说他把麻将暗喻为war on the table. the war between those women, the war in China at that time. 麻将桌把那些和yee先生有过的女人争风吃醋的情景表现出来。并且,电影中没有太多对话,因为ang lee doesnt trust subtitle, eye sight is the best to express feelings and thoughts.

有人问他如果这一部电影doesnt work, what will he do. he said he will make another one. 他说自从断壁山之后,他拍的电影就容易受欢迎,people will give him. there are 3 flips to success. ( i think he means 卧虎藏龙,断壁,色戒).but after making 6 tragedies, he will make a comedy. its very hard to make comedy.

那他认为那一部电影最能表现他自己,他说lust caution coz its last. 这部戏里说到上海,有他父母的影子。tang wei有上个时代的味道。he decided she was the actress within 10 sec when she walked in. tang wei is the feminine side of him. they have a lot in common. it always says the actor is the best looking of the director while in this film, the actress is the female side of the director. he is like the zen master to her and he will take care of her future life. (ang lee 是个负责的人,很多女孩子愿意在他的电影里naked, 可是他在拍完这部戏后,认真的指导wang wei how to face to the next, career, life, relationship ).

同时,他说到通过这个电影他希望hongkong, taiwan, china, can be together and better. it is part of a wish.

他也说到张爱玲,他说他自己没有经历过war,能够拍出这部电影。张可能没有经历过小说中的一切,写出这部小说。并且,张的童年很不幸,父亲严厉。这部小说ang lee 总是能够dig out sth more and more.

how he made $ through previews for his next film. and who he is listening to for advice on films.

enough i have been writing. there are something more i need to digest on my own.

funny part happened at the Q&A: 第一排有个中国女孩子,染了一头黄头发,烫卷的,fur top, not tall either stunning, she said to Ang 'I am so excited to see you here tonight' audience laughed. 'Do you think you can make a film that I am the actress?' audience laughed out. Till the end, she was the first one to rush to the front to take picture with Ang, with her sparkling eyes. people did laugh again.

all in all, ang lee is a very charming and inspiring person. maybe someone here can make a commet on him and Leoh Ming Pei. (江南出生,西方成功,中国特色)。continue people.

作者:ttd海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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