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主题: [原创小说]The Andy in this summer(1)
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作者 [原创小说]The Andy in this summer(1)   

头衔: 海归中将

头衔: 海归中将
声望: 专家
性别: 性别:女年龄: 41
加入时间: 2007/02/28
文章: 2318

海归分: 475492

文章标题: [原创小说]The Andy in this summer(1) (1072 reads)      时间: 2007-12-05 周三, 18:53   

作者:小斯海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

It’s a lazy Friday afternoon in July. Another Friday night with nothing to do and nobody to worry about.

The voice mail button flashed on 17:55PM. One customer named Andy left a massage in English. I called back,though I had no idea about Andy. Maybe the Andy who just got the email from my CSR in Malaysia to inform him shipment detail moments ago?

Andy spoke English all the time. It seemed that he did not know Chinese. He said he was just located in Shenzhen from far away. I was familiar with the accent. I believed he was a Southern-Asia-Chinese. Finally, Andy asked me out to spend the Friday night together. I experienced such situation and I said no.

Last Spring, in 2006,I was new and young. One Q&A manager in one of my customer’s company, called me a lot times in one week and asked me for a coffee on the Friday afternoon during their big purchasing project with my company. He was from Malaysia. We met in Shangdao Coffee and had a good night. I successfully let him understood that it would do no good for him to dig any information from me about the project.

I listed out many excuses to say no and Andy solved all problems. No alcohol, not too late, meet me in my office and send me back. I said OK on 18:25PM.

Why not, after a lazy Friday?

Andy told me his friend would come with him to meet me since he was new in this city. After several calls to a stranger to explain how to find my building , I was so regretted about the blind meeting. I cycled along the road to find them. It’s July in Shenzhen . It’s hot.

I was surprised to find a policemen car waiting for me before my University gate. There were three persons. The gentleman in the back seat, apparently, a police, said hello to me and introduced the driver and the girl in the front seats to me. Nobody was Andy there. They said Andy was busy.

The girl was the driver’s littler sister, a sporty girl dressed in good suits. The police spoke English to let me believe he was not a bad guy. They all had a healthy faces with a pleasant smile. Everything was weird but safe. who the hell was the Andy?

Should I take the car?

《侍魂》全系列之娜可露露,血战中的白莲花,最不容侵犯的十大动漫MM之一。只有14岁的露露会以迅雷不及掩耳的速度将任何对她图谋不轨的人施加以LOLK控惩罚: 将你五花大绑,然后叫她的守护鹰把你吊起来倒挂在树上,挂上个三天三夜,嘿嘿。

真宫寺樱 SEGA金字招牌《樱花大战》的人气主角。 樱是一位典型的东方美少女:朴实无华、善良、温柔、充满着正义感等优点在她身上一览无遗。:樱花+武士刀。如樱花般绚烂,如武士刀般刚猛。

TV GAME格斗界元祖级的中国MM,据说是全日本最有名的中国人。春丽的父亲是香港特警,被妄图征服世界的邪恶头目VEGA所杀害,春丽从此开始复仇生涯。十大不容侵犯动漫mm榜首

作者:小斯海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

上一次由小斯于2007-12-05 周三, 22:40修改,总共修改了1次

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