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主题: 【灌水】半截子故事 - 比较长,没耐心的就算了
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作者 【灌水】半截子故事 - 比较长,没耐心的就算了   

头衔: 海归少校

头衔: 海归少校

加入时间: 2005/10/26
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文章标题: 【灌水】半截子故事 - 比较长,没耐心的就算了 (1371 reads)      时间: 2006-10-12 周四, 14:44   

作者:哪里非也海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

I'd gotten an email on the account I use for posting to usenet
groups. One of the things I do on the side is build gadgets using single
chip microprocessors called PICs. I watch a number of usenet groups dealing
with the things, and often post what I hope are answers to questions people
have, building gadgets when I feel like it.

This request was for a fairly simple and specific motor control
gadget. Press a button and hold it, the motor turns on. Release the button
and the motor turns off. The trick is the gadget learns the "on" and "off"
times and repeats them until the button is pushed again, and it trains to
new times. Sounded pretty easy; I'd never built one before.

We traded emails; I needed more detail. What kind of motor? How
big? What were the ranges of on and off times? Does it need to run on
batteries, self contained, or can it be built into a larger enclosure? Do
you want automatic shutoff after a preset time? Do you want indicator
lights or beeps?

I learned quickly that my client was a high level software type,
with no hardware background. When I asked if it was an AC or DC motor, they
didn't know. Okay, does it run on batteries? Yes. How many of what size?
Two small ones. Make that a negative hardware background, but we're making

I was getting frustrated and needed more information, email was
just too slow. I sent out my work phone number and told them to give me a
call so we could talk details. I had the code pretty much worked out, using
a small PIC to control a blue LED in time to a pushbutton. The critical
hardware part was going to be motor control; I needed specifics on the

A couple mornings later I got a phone call. I answered and a female
voice asked for my email name. Yup that's me, I said. I gave her my first
name; she'd get that if she left me voicemail. Her name was Emily. We
chatted for a few minutes. She thought she recognized the phone number and
asked where I worked; I told her. She told me where she worked, another
high tech company a few miles away.

I don't remember who suggested it, but we agreed to get together to
talk at her office. I looked at the schedule on my wall and told her I
could be there a little after four, and would need to leave shortly after
five. No problem, she told me, that's about when she needed to leave as

She gave me her extension and told me to giver her a ring when I
got to the lobby. Then I told her I'd be wearing a black leather jacket,
white shirt, and a black tie with red chili peppers on it. "Really?" she
squeaked over the phone. I laughed; she really did squeak. I told her it
was a hard tie to miss. She started laughing and said she'd see me later
that day. Was there something familiar about that laugh? I was looking
forward to meeting her; I'd spent too long focused only on work. Jennifer
was gone; it was long past time for me to move on.

Now for economics. I work in the Silicon Valley; it's a great place
to work. It's also a rotten place to live; housing prices are astronomical.
So I live in what's called the "East Bay" and commute on the bus. It works
out well; company employees get free bus passes. The bus stop is a couple
blocks from my house, and I get dropped off right in front of the office.
The bus is comfortable; the seats recline, and it beats the hell out of
driving at least an hour and a half twice a day in ugly traffic. It's also
a great way to get out of late afternoon meetings. "Got to go, can't miss
my bus!"

I took an earlier bus that afternoon and got off at Emily's place.
Her company is also part of the commute program; they have a very nice bus
stop right in front of their main building. I went in and gave her a call
from the lobby; she laughed when I said hello and said she'd be right down.

A few minutes later as I was standing around in the lobby I heard
her call my name. I turned around and realized why she'd squeaked when I
told her what I was wearing, and why she'd been laughing. When I saw her I
started laughing as well; we'd ridden that damn bus together most days of
the week for the last two years. We hugged and we went to a small
conference room off the lobby.

That Emily, the one from the bus; she's about my height, long black
hair, good waist, and strong slender legs. Her Hindu heritage blessed her
with clear dark almond skin, beautiful oval eyes, and a pair of firm, full
breasts that make my mind go blank. She has a wonderful laugh, and the kind
of laid back personality required to survive the commute.

"I couldn't believe it was you." she said when we sat down, still
laughing a bit.

I shook my head. We sat together sometimes; I wouldn't mind sitting
next to her more often. Neither of us were real conversationalists on the
bus, we tended to read or sleep. We swapped books and magazines all the
time, even working out an informal trade; I brought along The Economist and
she brought New Scientist. We chatted for a couple minutes, then I looked
at my watch.

"We could take the express bus and talk on the way, we'd be more likely to
get seats."

She nodded. "I thought so too. My bag is ready to go."

"So, I need more details about the motor you want to run."

She lowered her head and blushed a little. I didn't know what to do
with that. "Can you get me one to work with? I only need the motor, not the
rest of whatever it is." Maybe that would be easier to handle.

She looked up at me with a funny smile, still showing some
embarrassment. "I... I can get you one of the motors." Were her nipples
sticking out a bit through her blouse?

I changed topics a bit. "Okay, that will be a big help. I still
have hardware choices to make. Do you want any feedback that it's working?
A light? Sound?"

She responded when I said "feedback" with a look of shock or
surprise, then smiled and said "No sound, a small light would be okay."

We talked a little more. I let her know that I could either run the
motor full off to full on, or possibly let it run at a slower pulsed rate,
then kick it up to full, she should think about it. She told me she'd like
a way to turn it off quickly; I let her know that wouldn't be a problem.

We took a break to visit the plumbing; she got her bag and we went
out to the bus stop. Since it was an earlier bus than usual for us, we got
seats easily; where I got on, I usually got a seat, sometimes Emily didn't.
I told her I'd be sure and save her a seat from now on.

Once we started out, both of us reclined our seats. I was sitting
next to the window, Emily to my right. I looked over to her and held out my
right hand.

"Emily, I'm going to close my eyes. I want you to pretend I'm not
here, and my hand is the button for your controller. I want you to go
through how you'd normally use it, rates, durations, as best as you can
figure. I need to know this to set the timing parameters. When you're
through, squeeze my hand. Okay?"

She looked a little hesitant, then nodded. I smiled, leaned back,
and closed my eyes.

After a bit I felt her hand on mine, it felt like her right hand
reaching over. I moved my hand out a little, and she set it on a book in
her lap. She started out tapping on the back of my hand slowly, evenly,
about twice a second with her middle finger. Okay, I thought, this is easy,
tenth of a second sampling will work. Then she started speeding up; tenth
of a second is too long a sample interval. Then the "on" time started
getting longer than the "off" time, until it was "on" for a little more
than a second, and "off" briefly. Then it was "on" continuously for quite a
while, a minute or so, then she squeezed my hand.

I pulled my hand back into my lap and thought. Okay, use about five
hundredths of a second for the sample interval, and a set of sixteen bit
counters. How long do we have to go before we declare "on" continuously?
12.8 seconds would be overflow from the lower 8 bits to the upper 8 bits, a
convenient point.

I opened my eyes. Her eyes were closed; it looked like she was
perspiring, and breathing a bit fast. "Emily?" I asked. She opened her eyes
and smiled, again giving me a sort of blush.

I smiled back. "Like to talk design decisions a bit?"

She said "Sure."

We talked about timing; I gave her my initial ideas, letting her
know we could alter things; this was just a first hack. She agreed that
about ten to twelve seconds was a good point to go to continuous "on" for
her mystery motor. We both understood the nature of software; you build the
first version expecting to learn a great deal, and expecting to throw it
away. When I asked if there was anything else, she surprised me. She lifted
the armrest between the seats and said "I'd like to hold your hand again."

I held out my hand and she took it in hers gently. Then she leaned
on my shoulder and closed her eyes. That seemed to be the thing to do; I
did the same, and was soon asleep.

Luckily we watch out for each other on the bus. I woke up with the
driver announcing a stop two from where I get off. Emily squeezed my hand;
I looked at her and smiled, she had a very peaceful look on her face.

"Where do you get off?" I asked her; she was always on the bus when
I got on in the morning.

"The stop after you." she told me, with a chuckle in her voice and
a little blush. What had I said that was so funny?

"Would you like to go out to dinner with me tomorrow?" I asked. "I
promise not to talk about the project for you if you don't want to."

She laughed. "That would be nice. I'd like that."

"Good." I said, standing up and grabbing my bag. "I'll see you
tomorrow morning. Sweet dreams."

She laughed and blushed again, putting a hand up over her face. I
got off the bus wondering what the hell was going on, what was I missing?

I pretty much finished the code that night, testing it with my
light emitting diode, and prototyping the motor driver. I sat at my
workbench in the spare bedroom pushing the button for a while, then watched
as it took over repeating the pattern. I could speed it up, slow it down,
or turn it off; not bad.

The next morning when I got on the bus Emily had saved me a seat.
"Good morning." I said as she picked up her bag for me to sit down. She dug
into hers and pulled out a little plastic bag with a small motor in it; she
had a Band-Aid on her hand.

I took the offered bag and asked "Cut yourself?"

She laughed and said "Yes, but not bad, not being careful enough.
I'll stick to software."

I took the motor out of the bag and looked at it. It was about the
same diameter as my thumb, a little over an inch long. It looked like
something had been pulled off one end of the shaft. I tried turning it with
my fingers, it didn't want to budge. It was either very powerful or
destroyed. I'd do an autopsy later.

We talked for a bit about dinner and the upcoming day. She'd made
reservations for us for dinner at a fish place we went past on "our" side
of the bay; that way we could take local busses home anytime we wanted.

We settled back into our usual morning routine, except that she
once again lifted the armrest between the seats, took my hand, and leaned
on my shoulder.

We snoozed again, waking when one of her cow-orkers called her name
just before her stop. We both sighed and smiled; she touched my cheek with
a hand as she got up.

I got a closer look at the motor later that day; it was trashed. I
got it to turn in my fingers, but the brushes were destroyed. But that
wasn't what I was thinking about; she'd touched me and smiled. That felt so
wonderful, and yet at the same time reminded me of how empty my life was.

I got on the usual bus home that afternoon, saving a seat for
Emily. She was lucky; if I hadn't she wouldn't have gotten one. We settled
in and I asked "Read?" Are you going to read on the way home? She raised
the armrest in reply, and reclined her seat. I did the same. As I was
offering her my hand, she reached an arm around me and pulled me over on to
her shoulder. How could I refuse an offer like that?

Our driver announced the restaurant name loudly over the intercom,
waking us. Emily must have told him, as it wasn't the usual stop for either
of us. We got off together thanking him, and our arms went around each
other as we walked from the bus stop.

Dinner was good, but got off to a slow start. I didn't know what to
say. We worked for competitors, so we both knew work discussions were no
good. I told her I wouldn't talk about the gadget.

After a few minutes, though, she squeezed my hand and said "Roger,
what's the matter?"

I shook my head, closed my eyes, and quietly explained my dilemma.
When I heard her laughing softly, I opened them again. I hadn't mentioned
that watching her breasts was not doing well for my concentration.

She told me she understood. She was mildly surprised I didn't have
a steady girlfriend.

I smiled and told her I was between girlfriends; I'd learned that
no matter how well you think a relationship is going, if one person says it
isn't going well, they're right. I still wasn't sure what had happened;
well, she was sure she'd found someone better.

We waxed a bit philosophical after that. She visited the ladies'
room, and when she returned to the table her blouse was unbuttoned
substantially, and I could tell her nipples had perked up. I took a deep
breath when I noticed that, then looked in her eyes. She gave me a very
intense look and a smile; no accident there.

We more or less split the check. We walked back to the bus stop arm
in arm. She'd put on perfume and it was driving me crazy. When we got to
the bus stop, we stood there looking at each other.

"Well?" she asked me.

I sighed. "Emily, I'd like to kiss you and squeeze you and..."

I was interrupted by her closing her eyes and pulling me to her. I
put my arms around her and we kissed. I held her gently, arms around her
shoulders. Too gently it seemed; she turned me around so my back was to the
side of the bus stop and pressed into me from hips to shoulders. I felt her
waist as we kissed, moving my hands up her back. I could feel her nipples
burning into me. She moved one of my hands to her front; I gently squeezed
a breast and she moaned as we kissed.

We broke for air a little before the bus arrived. We stood there
looking in each other's eyes with the bus waiting there until the driver
yelled out "Next bus is in twenty minutes. You getting on?" She pulled me
to the bus; we grabbed our bags and got on.

We didn't get seats, so we stood there in the aisle holding on to
each other, then kissing. I didn't know what to do as we got to my stop.
Should I ask her to come with me? My indecision let her make the choice.
She squeezed my hand and said "Here's your stop. I'll see you in the
morning." With that we got in one more deep kiss, and I got off the bus.

I sighed as I stood there watching the bus pull away. Then my legs
went on automatic pilot and took me back to the house. Nothing but junk and
bills in the mail; it looked like I had two choices for the evening. I
could take matters into my own hands, or I could go for sublimation and
work on the gadget. I wanted to take another whack at that motor, and I
thought I had something similar in a junk box in the garage.

It only took me a few minutes to find a similar motor in a box in
the garage. I took a look at the one she'd given me under a magnifier; the
brushes were shot, really worn out. I hooked up my junk box motor to the
prototype and tried it. I put the motor between the soldering iron and a
large transformer to keep it from hopping all over the bench as it pulsed
on and off. I had to add a little more snubbing on the motor and the mosfet
switch, but it worked like a charm. I put the switch/LED combination on the
end of three feet of wire, and the motor on a longer piece of wire. The
remaining circuitry was on a small piece of copper circuit board about an
inch on a side. I fooled with the code for too long, finally flicking it in
for the night. I have to get up early for the bus.

I was brushing my teeth when I thought of that motor hopping
around. Could that be it? I looked at myself in the mirror. That could be
it; the timing was right. Oh well, we'll find out soon. I rinsed my mouth
and went to bed.

When I got on the bus the next morning I didn't see her at first,
then I noticed her farther in the back. I sat next to her; she'd already
pulled the armrest up.. "Hi. Thanks so much for last night. I..." I spoke
as I put my bag down on the floor. When I sat up again she flung her arms
around me and pulled me to her. I didn't need encouragement. We kissed and
our hands roamed all over each other, touching, squeezing, feeling, digging
in with fingernails. At one of the stops we heard a gal walk by and say "Oh
wow. Nerds in lust." We laughed at that and came up for air. We'd seen and
heard some pretty torrid stuff on the bus. I never thought I'd be part of
the show.

As we got close to her office I had a hand inside her blouse,
feeling her through her bra. She had a hand inside my shirt as well. She
made a mad dash at rearranging herself, kissed me once more, and scrambled
off the bus leaving me panting. Damn, I didn't tell her about the motor.

A few minutes later I got of at my place. One of my coworkers on
the bus, a gal in marketing, complimented me on the show we'd put on. I
smiled and thanked her, I hoped we'd do it more often. As we walked up to
the building though I could feel a very bad case of blue balls -- I hurt.

I gave Emily a call about half an hour later.

"I don't think I've ever enjoyed a bus ride as much as this
morning." I told her.

She laughed, eventually saying "I enjoyed it as well. And dinner
last night."

We chatted for a couple of minutes, then I told her.

"I've got good news and bad news."


"The good news is that I've got what I think is an operating
prototype. The bad news is that the motor you gave me yesterday was dead."

"Hmmm... I'll think about that." She sighed for a bit, then laughed
again. "We'll talk this afternoon. Save me a seat in the back."

"I'll save you a seat. I'm looking forward to seeing you again,
holding you."

That got a sigh. "So am I. I'll see you this evening. Think about
me. Bye."

"Bye." I hung up the phone. Think about her? How could I not think
about her? What if my guess was right? She seemed to be interested in me, I
wanted her very much, yet was worried about chasing her off. I needed her
very much. I thought Jennifer and I had been so happy, things had been
going so well. I'd been wrong; it hurt then and it hurt now. I know she was
just out of college; she told me "People grow, they change." I know that; I
thought we could grow together, change together. Had I just been a
convenient transition out of school, as Susan said? Sigh. Introspection can
be painful. But waking up alone in the morning is even more painful. For
the last few months, how many months had it been since she moved out? I'd
thrown myself into my work, into side projects, working out. My boss was
happy, the people I built gadgets for were happy, so why wasn't I?

That was a very long day, and a very slow bus getting to her
office. I smiled when I saw her; she had a big grin on her face. I was
sitting next to the window.

"Scoot over so I can have the window." she said. I scooted over and
started to stand up.

"No, I'll slide over." she told me. Then she sat on my lap and gave
me a couple slow sensuous wiggles before sliding over to the seat, just as
I was about to grab her breasts from behind.

I probably looked dazed; she asked "Did you have a long day?"

I told her I did, it had gone very slow, I'd also stayed up too
late working on the gadget.

She said "Then you can rest on the way home." She pulled one arm
and put a hand around my neck, pulling me into her lap, resting my head on
her soft full bosom. I sighed; make that a soft but firm and perfumed
bosom; she smelled delicious. I could smell her perfume, feel her warmth,
hear the beat of her heart. My mind spun for a while and then I surprised
myself; I went to sleep.

She woke me with a squeeze. I took another deep breath of her
perfume and kissed her through her blouse, then sat up. "Thank you. I miss

She chuckled. "We should do that more often, it was nice."

"No, it was incredible. See you in the morning?"

She gave me a smile and put a hand on my leg. "I thought I could
bring over another motor tonight, say around eight? Would that work?"

My mind almost stripped its mental gears as I went from delirium to
shock. The place was pretty clean, I should take care of the kitchen. I'm
pretty neat and tidy all in all. Should I give the bathroom a quick going

"That would be great. Bring the motor, whatever you need. It
shouldn't take long."

She leaned back and with a raised eyebrow said "I was thinking of
bringing my pillow..."

I didn't know what to say. She started laughing and reached up and
closed my mouth.

"This is your stop. I'll see you at eight."

I got off the bus. Gee, last night when I stood here I was dazed.
Tonight standing here I'm dazed. Oof, I've got some work to do. Pillow? It
doesn't matter if I was right or not, I guess.

I headed home and had a quick bite to eat, then did a whirlwind job
on the bathroom and the kitchen. I was almost thanking my parents for
harping at me all those years and turning me into a neat freak. I live in a
little three bedroom house. One of the bedrooms is a real bedroom, one is
an office - workshop for electronics and computer stuff, and the third is
the library - guest room with a futon. I'd just finished a dusting pass
when the doorbell rang.

I answered the door; I guess I was out of breath, because as soon
as she saw me she started laughing. She was carrying her work bag, a small
suitcase, and a pillow. I stepped to the side and invited her in.

"Been busy?" she said as she put down her things and gave me a kiss.

I was going to answer but got distracted. We kissed and hugged. She
handed me an old copy of The Economist; that's how she had my address.
"Give me the tour?" ....


作者:哪里非也海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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  • 【灌水】半截子故事 - 比较长,没耐心的就算了 -- 哪里非也 - (23773 Byte) 2006-10-12 周四, 14:44 (1371 reads)
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