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主题: Where Are We Going From Here - 中秋快乐!
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作者 Where Are We Going From Here - 中秋快乐!   

头衔: 海归元勋

头衔: 海归元勋
声望: 院士
性别: 性别:男年龄: -312
加入时间: 1970/01/01
文章: 25707
来自: 美国
海归分: 6039772

文章标题: Where Are We Going From Here - 中秋快乐! (8182 reads)      时间: 2014-9-08 周一, 23:11   

作者:狼协英文歌曲 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

这是一首我很喜欢的英文歌。从歌词来看,其情调应该是比较低徊、失落、困惑的。前路漫漫,风雪凄迷。通往未来的路太多的未知,已经走过的路有那么些不如意,何去何从?可是,我们连回家的路都也难以寻觅。路长日暮,寂寞相伴。。。但 Night竟然用一种近似于轻快的旋律表达出来,让人惊讶,却又妙不可言。人生的苦乐,竟然能这般轻易地颠倒么? 这 Night 从前是一个职业模特,跟Balckmore结婚之前好像是在NYIT学 communication--我知道那是个烂学校,communication也跟音乐风马牛不相及。她跟Blackmore 相差26岁,然后遇到Blackmore了,竟然就有了那样的成就,算是很神奇的姻缘。人生的路,真是有太多的迷。一叹。

Where Are We Going From Here Lyrics

On a long road, miles to go
It's winding and cold and it's covered with snow
But I ask you what we all want to know
Where are we going from here?

Lines on my face, lines on my hands
Lead to a future, I don't understand
Some things don't go as they're planned
Where are we going from here?

Tracing the trails through the mirrors of time
Spinning in circles with riddles in rhyme
We lose our way, trying to find
Searching to find my way home
Trying to find my home

As the day dies, with tears in our eyes
There's too few hellos and too many goodbyes
Silence answers our cries
Where are we going from here?

We're all on this road, with miles to go
Braving new pathways into the unknown
But who do you ask, when no one really knows
Where we are going from here?

Tracing the trails through the mirrors of time
Spinning in circles with riddles in rhyme
We lose our way, trying to find
Searching to find our way home
Trying to find my way home

Please help me find my way home
Please help me find my way home
Please help me find my way home

作者:狼协英文歌曲 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

上一次由狼协于2014-9-09 周二, 08:44修改,总共修改了1次

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