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主题: IPv9解秘(19):历史回顾-国际标准组织ISO在1993年曾宣布支持IPv9
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作者 IPv9解秘(19):历史回顾-国际标准组织ISO在1993年曾宣布支持IPv9   

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文章标题: IPv9解秘(19):历史回顾-国际标准组织ISO在1993年曾宣布支持IPv9 (2045 reads)      时间: 2013-10-24 周四, 21:24   

作者:中华智慧学会海归主坛 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com


2013-10-24 17:45:36| 分类: 原创 | 标签:iab isoc ipv9 ventcerf futurenetwork |字号 订阅

国 际 智 慧 学 会

国际智慧学会创新智慧研究会未来网络信息中心文件总编号:IWS-G13042 2013年10月24日






下面所提供的历史文献是一份关于美国IETF专家与ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6在1993年2月举办的一次临时会议,地点是伦敦。共有40多位专家出席了会议。时任英特网架构委员会主席的莱曼查平Lyman Chapin在获得时任国际英特网协会主席的文特瑟夫(Vent Cerf,也被人誉为英特网之父)的许可后参加会议。会议的一个主要议题是ISOC与SC6之间建立联络员关系。









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Date: Sun, 7 Mar 93 07:44:55 PST

From: [email protected]

Subject: ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC6 London Meeting (OSI v TCP/IP status update)

To: [email protected]

Reply-to: [email protected]

Message-ID: <" 7-Mar-93 15:44:50".*[email protected]>

An ad-hoc meeting to progress the initiative to establish liaison between ISO/IEC and the Internet Society was held during the SC6 interim working group meetings in London, February 8-12th. 1993.

The initiative is not one-sided, as the Internet Society has also written to the ISO Central Secretariat requesting Category A liaison status, and this request will be progressed as quickly as possible through the ISO/IEC Management Committee JTC1.

The lively and enthusiastic London meeting attracted over 40 delegates from the SC6 working groups, and was chaired by Jack Houldsworth who has accepted the responsibility to progress the initiative on behalf of SC6. ( Jack has been chairman of the BSI IST/6 committee for many years, and is well known in the industry as one of the founding fathers of OSI ).

A. Lyman Chapin, chairman of the IAB (Internet Architecture Board ), represented the Internet Society by agreement with Vinton Cerf, the President of the Board of Trustees of the Internet Society.

Jack Houldsworth opened the meeting by crystallising the key objectives of liaison as: "the convergence of the existing TCP/IP and OSI interconnection and interworking protocols, and the ongoing joint development of a common platform to support future multimedia and hypermedia applications". He highlighted the benefits of a converged scenario, which are the reduction of development effort required by the industry and an easier route to global interconnection. He was particularly anxious to halt the current media rhetoric about the rumoured "battle of attrition" between TCP/IP and OSI which is confusing users and tearing the industry apart. He urged all delegates to ensure that the liaison initiative is promulgated to all possible areas of the media on the grounds that this is a better story than the worn out open warfare rhetoric. He also believes that suppliers of other proprietry protocols will follow suit if Internet and OSI are seen to be converging, and that convergence is the only route to an "all-pervasive" global network.

Lyman Chapin cautioned that many Internet members come from an academic background and enjoy a lively experimental environment. They have no commercial commitment to deliver products to customers for global interconnection and there is a requirement to convince them about the benefits of a converged solution. (Some Internet members actually believe that competition between two solutions is a good thing.)

Lyman went on to report that the Internet community is currently reviewing protocol enhancements to solve some known problems with TCP/IP, and that several alternative solutions are on the table. One of these is to run the Internet TCP and UDP protocols over the OSI Internet Protocol, this proposal being known as TUBA (TCP / UDP over Bigger Addresses ).

It was agreed that SC6 should support the TUBA proposal, and that this view should be conveyed to the IAB as quickly as possible to make sure that the window of opportunity is not missed. (Several delegates offered to contact the Network OSI Operations Working Group ([email protected]) to convey this view on behalf of their parent organisations.)

The meeting also agreed to examine "fast track" operating methods for collaborative projects with Internet. This could be similar to the way that ISO / IEC and the IEEE work together on LAN standards.

A joint programme to create a platform for multimedia and hypermedia applications would have similar content to the Enhanced Communications Functions and Facilities ( ECFF) programme which is just getting under way in SC6, and a major share of the protocol enhancement work could be handled by the Internet community to share the load. The "fast track" initiative will be progressed with the ISO / IEC Management Committee JTC1.

It was also agreed that ISO / IEC needs to release relevant ISO documents to the Internet Community for use within their electronic distribution system if collaboration is to work. (This does not imply release of copywrite, but it is accepted that relevant ISO documents should be available electronically in the same way as RFC's). SC6 will request the release of key documents through JTC1.

Jack Houldsworth will attend the next IAB meeting ( to be held during the IETF meeting in Columbus, Ohio at the end of March) on behalf of SC6 to convey the enthusiasm of ISO/IEC for future collaboration, and will also make it known that the TUBA proposals would be favourably received by ISO / IEC. Jack will also attend the European IETF meeting in Amsterdam in July to maintain liaison impetus and continuity as SC6 runs up to its Plenary meeting in Seoul next September.


作者:中华智慧学会海归主坛 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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  • [] IPv9解秘(19):历史回顾-国际标准组织ISO在1993年曾宣布支持IPv9 -- 中华智慧学会 - (6598 Byte) 2013-10-24 周四, 21:24 (2045 reads)
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