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主题: [新闻]抗议处死阿克毛 英国妓女宣布罢接中国嫖客一年(图)
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作者 [新闻]抗议处死阿克毛 英国妓女宣布罢接中国嫖客一年(图)   

头衔: 海归少校

头衔: 海归少校
声望: 博导
性别: 性别:男
加入时间: 2007/03/04
文章: 2263
来自: 哲里木盟科尔沁左翼中旗木里图苏木爱搞不搞嘎差
海归分: 25873

文章标题: [新闻]抗议处死阿克毛 英国妓女宣布罢接中国嫖客一年(图) (2299 reads)      时间: 2009-12-31 周四, 13:22   

作者:科尔沁草原殿下海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

Prostitute boycotts Chinese on ethical grounds

By George Pitcher World Last updated: December 29th, 2009

127 Comments Comment on this article

One of the more touching messages I receive in the run-up to the outrageous execution of Akmal Shaikh in China this morning is from a London-based “working girl”, who tells me she is boycotting all Chinese clients for a year in protest.

Please, spare me any sanctimonious injunctions about her chosen way of life. She’s doing what she can. And how many business people have decided today to withdraw their services from the Chinese? I think, in this context at least, she is acting with great dignity and self-respect.

She writes:

Dear Father Pitcher,

I read your article on Akmal Shaikh with interest. It says the Chinese will face serious consequences if the execution goes ahead.

I don’t suppose you will find the following consequences serious, but I know some people who will..

[She then includes a link to her website]

That site is probably not worksafe if anyone is monitoring your internet usage, but it is my advert on [she includes an escort directory]. I am an escort. I’m boycotting Chinese passport holders for a year if the execution goes ahead. I can pick and choose my clients and I don’t need any from murderous regimes.

I’m in two minds about those from Hong Kong, but will allow Taiwanese.

[She then signs with what I take to be a real name, followed by her working name. I include neither here because, at the time of writing, I don't have her permission.]

I love that equivocation over Hong Kong. On her website, not yet updated after Mr Shaikh’s execution, she adds:

Incidentally, if you are the holder of a Chinese passport you had better get your booking in tonight. After Akmal Shaikh, the mentally ill man, is executed tomorrow – you are on short rations for a year! In fact, no rations at all. Diu lai no mo hai, far as I’m concerned.

Could someone translate that Chinese for me? I reply to her as follows:

Dear [.....],

Good for you! I think that’s a highly principled stand – and I think that if everyone similarly did what they could by way of trade sanctions then we might make some progress with the Chinese.

Thanks for writing and have a very happy New Year.

And I mean it. The whole exchange is strangely uplifting and I’m really glad she wrote to me. Bless you, [consider your name here], GP

 乔治·皮茄(George Pitcher)是英国《每日电讯报》宗教方面的编辑,他是一个神父。12月29日,乔治·皮茄在《每日电讯报》发了一篇博文《妓女抵制中国的道德理由》。



作者:科尔沁草原殿下海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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