[原创]光影世界,情色天空 -- “非诚勿扰”的看后体会
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海归论坛 -> 海归酒吧

#41: 小气人多。。大气的人少也。。。 作者: 背影 文章时间: 2009-1-05 周一, 13:27
Zoe 写道:

#42: And, we will see. 作者: 八袋长老来自: 大陆到小陆 文章时间: 2009-1-05 周一, 13:50
作者:八袋长老海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

该拍还得拍 写道:
A Cowboy's War. And finally the cowboy lost his horse. Smile)


This guy is a cowboy? I though he's a pimp. Rolling Eyes

作者:八袋长老海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

#43: 永远不要跟没有感情维护能力的人恋爱。:) 作者: Zoe 文章时间: 2009-1-05 周一, 13:50
背影 写道:

包括物质能力与精神能力。白费劲,如果是打发时间, Razz 就没必要谈啥感情了。

#44: 等我培训做完回来,你给我好好说说! 作者: Sandy_Rose 文章时间: 2009-1-05 周一, 14:07
君子豹 写道:

#45: 哈哈,前天见到一四川泸州的长腿小mm,她也知道那HAIR SHAVER 作者: 小斯 文章时间: 2009-1-05 周一, 14:27
君子豹 写道:


关于功夫王的传说,从此越过千山万水,高高飘扬在西部的火锅店里,麻将桌上 Smile

#46: 但那个场景在日本而不是在中国,难道。。。? 作者: TTFan 文章时间: 2009-1-05 周一, 14:59
Sandy_Rose 写道:

等你看了那酒 (Widsor?) 在中国的广告后,你就知道了。

#47: 不如你告诉我吧!你告诉我一个故事,我也告诉你一个。 作者: Sandy_Rose 文章时间: 2009-1-05 周一, 15:01
小斯 写道:
哈哈,前天见到一四川泸州的长腿小mm,她也知道那HAIR SHAVER

#48: 豹子的肢体语言应该比葛优丰满点,呵呵。 作者: PCH 文章时间: 2009-1-05 周一, 15:14
Sandy_Rose 写道:

#49: 网上远远没有真人那么好玩。 作者: Sandy_Rose 文章时间: 2009-1-05 周一, 15:18
PCH 写道:

#50: 看了非诚勿扰后的感觉就是:以后有了钱想去西溪湿地买套别墅,去北海道找加起来300岁 作者: microcony 文章时间: 2009-1-05 周一, 16:50

#51: 我还真没听说过那酒,更没有看过广告唉! 作者: Sandy_Rose 文章时间: 2009-1-05 周一, 16:57
TTFan 写道:

看来我家有必要装有线电视了!我也太孤陋寡闻了。 Crying or Very sad

#52: 不过和角色设计不搭 作者: 夜叉 文章时间: 2009-1-05 周一, 17:12
Alex的烟 写道:


#53: 老八我给你推荐一个, 你一定会喜欢 作者: 三毛流浪记 文章时间: 2009-1-05 周一, 18:06
作者:三毛流浪记海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

八袋长老 写道:
推荐看Charlie Wilson's War,

“Land of the Blind" 2006年的片子,Ralph Fiennes (English Patient)和Donald Sutherland主演。One of the best political movies I've ever seen.

I absolutely loved it, but surprisingly it seems that this movie received very poor reviews. Maybe it is just "too political" or it brings too many bad memories....

故事的情节倒不复杂:在一个fictional的(it can be any country...) 被腐朽而残酷的君主统治国家里,一个有些良心的监狱看守,渐渐被他看守的政治犯触动,最后帮助政治犯获得自由并策动了政变,将王子杀死,成立了所谓的”人民当家做主”的国家。



Never before has a film compelling me to write such a glowing review of praise. I picked up a copy of 'Land of the Blind' at my local video store despite the poor reviews it received, and I was surprised beyond my wildest expectations.

The film centers around a nameless society ruled by an oppressive government similar to the Czarist rule of Russia. However this film uses all corrupt governments throughout history as a satire, from Iran to Cuba to France. The story follows a prison guard named Joe (Fiennes) as he meets a condemned playwright named Thorne (Sutherland) bent on ousting the current government. Tom Hollander (known best as Lord Cutler Beckett from Pirates of the Caribbean) gives an over-the-top performance as the petulant dictator Maximilian the Second. He is the epitome of greed and tyranny in the minds of the people, and Joe comes to realize this as the film goes on, prompting him to help Thorne in a coup against the government.

The film is not meant to be a dark comedy, it's more a dark look at how susceptible people are to government propaganda and manipulation. Thorne's government is just as bad, if not worse, than Hollander's, and Joe realizes that perhaps he traded one evil for another. Critics blasted this movie as taking a page from George Orwell, and they would be correct in this thinking. However the bulk of the film is a composite of real tyrannical governments throughout time, making the land of the blind a patchwork society of poor leadership.

The acting is somber but spot on, and the cinematography and editing are nearly flawless. The end of the film may leave viewers confused, but on a second viewing everything makes complete sense. Once the viewer realizes that brainwashing and indoctrination can warp a person's perception of reality, then the middle and end of the movie will be perfectly clear.

Also, several shots of elephants are juxtaposed into the film, to emphasis the parable 'an elephant never forgets'. Unfortunately, the people in the land of the blind do forget, as they have a self perpetuating habit of falling under horrible governments. Remember, those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

The soundtrack is haunting and subtle, though not too subtle that it goes unnoticed. If you want a movie that hands you all the answers on a silver platter, this is not the film for you. If you want a complex and challenging thriller, then I cannot recommend this film highly enough.

作者:三毛流浪记海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

#54: 看起来不错,回国时买张碟看看。 作者: 八袋长老来自: 大陆到小陆 文章时间: 2009-1-05 周一, 19:03
三毛流浪记 写道:
老八我给你推荐一个, 你一定会喜欢

#55: 网上下吧,巨快 作者: amantroug 文章时间: 2009-1-05 周一, 21:47
悠悠小草 写道:

#56: 试试土豆网 作者: Alex的烟 文章时间: 2009-1-05 周一, 22:12
悠悠小草 写道:


#57: 三毛大侠推荐的电影好催眠,我五分钟不到就睡过去了。 作者: ceo/cfo 文章时间: 2009-1-05 周一, 23:40
三毛流浪记 写道:
老八我给你推荐一个, 你一定会喜欢


千万别夸我没品位。 Mad

#58: 八哥,我好像一年前早知道,已推荐过了,挺不错的。当然您再推一下, 作者: ceo/cfo 文章时间: 2009-1-05 周一, 23:45
八袋长老 写道:
推荐看Charlie Wilson's War,

也不会overrating 的。
当然美国的电影滥片较多,英国的好片不少,法国的嘛,好是好,只能看底下的英文caption, 听是基本不懂,except body language, 嘻嘻。

#59: 你那个还不够 作者: 野猫拍黄瓜来自: 垃圾筒旁边 文章时间: 2009-1-06 周二, 02:40
作者:野猫拍黄瓜海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

八袋长老 写道:
推荐看Charlie Wilson's War,

What’s the best thing about a blowjob from an Ethiopian woman?
You know she’ll swallow!

作者:野猫拍黄瓜海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

#60: 我也觉得她演得不错的 作者: 野猫拍黄瓜来自: 垃圾筒旁边 文章时间: 2009-1-06 周二, 02:42
Alex的烟 写道:


海归论坛 -> 海归酒吧

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