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主题: I became a dinner party crasher
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作者 I became a dinner party crasher   

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文章标题: I became a dinner party crasher (1496 reads)      时间: 2005-9-06 周二, 22:08   

作者:跳蚤海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

A few weeks ago, I watched a movie called " wedding crasher", and I asked one of my friends what does that " crasher" mean. He told me that " crasher" is a person joining the party without invitation.

Last night, I guess I became a dinner party "Crasher" (Note: I am in Kempinski hotel of Sofia, Bulgaria right now).

Original plan was set to go with a group of local people for a dinner in the Vitosha mountain range.

In the last min, the tour guy was coming and told me that I was the only one in the group. So, we had basically three persons going together: him, a driver and me. He said it became an activity specially designed for individual. Whatever I wanted, they could do for me, including orginzing a music event (no wonder the price was so high).

These two men were very nice and good looking, but I ccould't go with them, the reasons were: 1> I did not know them and did not feel anything good about them, their good looking had nothing to do with me. 2> for safety concern, I should not go with two strangers for a meal in the deep mountain and in a dark summer night. 3> what I wanted was a group activity, buring myself in the noisy environment, without worrying about anything, just laughing, crying , or keeping silence, just do anything that I whished. Now, with these two gentlemen, I had to collect my energy in order to initiate some stupid topics or carry over some boring conversations. That was no fun at all.

So, I said: stop, take me back please, I would not go with you.

They didn't have any choice except driving me back to the hotel.

Once I got out of the car, I saw a group of people walking out of the hotel and getting in to a big bus that was waiting outside of the hotel.

I steped in and ask an old man who seemed a leader of the group:" can I go with you guys"

He said" who are you, we will go dinner"

I said: "I live here and I want to have dinner with you, can I"

He said" then I need to call and get permit"

He called and talked with some pople while everyone in the group was settled in the bus.

After several minutes, he said to me, "OK, you can go with us".

I stepped into the bus but he stopped me:" I need to check your bag, to see if you carry any dangerous weapen(what!!!, I could not believe this)"

I opned my bag and showed him what I had: a camera, a book called " lonely planet" that is a traveler's bible, especially in China, and a pack of M&M chocalete. I made an offer to him: " Would you like to have some M&M? they are sweet"

Everyon in the bus larghed and one of ladies said" you are very sweet"

So, I was in the bus and the leader told me that they were a group of people from Isreal (No wander again)

"I came from USA" I said, Usually I would tell people that I come from China (still remember when I just got in Sofia airport, a taxi drive asked where I came from, I said Beijing. then we had a lot of things to talk about) but this time, I guess the name of USA will comfor them.

after 15 min driving, the bus stopped in the front of a local Res. The leader told me this was a very good Res, but the price was very low.

When everyone was seated, he told me to follow him and he would treat me a dinner. I insisted to pay for myself but he said "don't worry, I always get free meals in this place".

So, three of us sitting in the upstair for the dinner. I had salad and soup, he had beef and the driver had a chicken liver (he let me to taste a piece, not very good in my opinion). Of cause, bread, drink and fruit were also provided.

Dinner was finnally finished, and everyone was back to the hotel. The leader asked me if I liked to have a drink with him, " let's go to downtown" he said. I said no, I told him that I would have a meeting with others later. When I walked into the lobby, one of the old men in the group asked me if I could play bridge and he was looking for partners.

At that moment, I saw a beautiful girl playing piano in the lobby, the music was so wonderful, that made me go nowhere. I then buried msyself in a comfortable sofa and listened to her music for a while.

The night was good.

(writing this from an intenet cafe, no responsible for any typo or grammer mistake.)

作者:跳蚤海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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