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主题: 下一个大的经济浪潮在哪里?请各位高人指教
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作者 下一个大的经济浪潮在哪里?请各位高人指教   
所跟贴 it's dangerous to speculate on commodities, especially at these -- 大甩 - (229 Byte) 2005-1-18 周二, 03:09 (455 reads)

头衔: 海归少将

头衔: 海归少将
声望: 学员
性别: 性别:男
加入时间: 2004/10/04
文章: 971

海归分: 307339

文章标题: Rogers answer your questions in his book (467 reads)      时间: 2005-1-18 周二, 04:53   

作者:恍如隔世海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

myth: it is dangerous to speculate on commodities
truth: you can buy commodities with no leverage, put up $1000 to buy $1000 worth of copper, for example, not buying on the margin. The fluctuation of commodities is no greater than Cisco stocks. If you buy IBM stocks at 10% margin, it is equally dangerous.

myth: commodities are too high now.
truth: adjusting for inflation, the majority of commodities are at least 50% below their 70' all time highs. Take a look at the 20 year chart of coffee, suger, soybean, wheat, or even crude oil. Oil was at $80 in 1980 (adjusted for inflation).

myth: sudden increase in supply
truth: it takes a long time (5-10 years) to bring on supply in commodities. Think about how long does it take to find and drill and develop a mine, a oil field. It is not like high-tech, which can be done by three guys in a garage.

myth: sudden decrease in demand
truth: does anybody suddenly eat two meals a day when they usually eat three meals a day? I don't. Does anyone start going to work 2.5 days a week instead of 5 days a week just because the gas price has jumped up. I don't.

作者:恍如隔世海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

上一次由恍如隔世于2006-4-14 周五, 12:13修改,总共修改了1次

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