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主题: 周末励志贴,20种不劳而获赚钱方法。友情警告,英文版
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作者 周末励志贴,20种不劳而获赚钱方法。友情警告,英文版   
所跟贴 真实不劳致富之一, -- ceo/cfo - (1968 Byte) 2010-8-21 周六, 22:54 (687 reads)

头衔: 海归中将

头衔: 海归中将
声望: 院士
性别: 性别:男
加入时间: 2004/11/05
文章: 12941

海归分: 491633

文章标题: 继承一笔横财,就像。。。不知道她是否收到比尔大侄子和瓦伦大叔的捐钱宣言,呵呵 (457 reads)      时间: 2010-8-21 周六, 23:07   

作者:ceo/cfo海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

Easy Ways to Get Rich: Inherit a fortune
Inheriting wealth can be emotionally difficult (and the feds will come for their share), but it is another way people have gotten rich without much work. Christy Walton—the widow of John Walton, a son of Wal-Mart founder Sam Walton—inherited her husband’s fortune after his death in a plane crash in 2005. Her estimated worth of $22.5 billion makes her one of the world’s richest people, according to Forbes.com.

Bet on the right horse, with free money
Texas software entrepreneur Glen Fullerton won $900,000 in the Kentucky Derby this year. What’s even better: He didn’t bet his own money. Fullerton, a novice gambler, won a $100,000 sweepstakes sponsored by Churchill Downs and CNBC to bet the lot on any of the horses in the field. His pick, Super Saver, with 8-to-1 odds, earned him the prize, reported nationalpost.com

Get a hole-in-one for $1 million
It is a challenge even most pro golfers would fail. Jason Hargett, a restaurant manager and father of four, was a last-minute replacement in a $1 million hole-in-one competition at the Mark Eaton Celebrity Golf Classic in Utah in 2009, and he almost opted out because of a sore wrist, reported ESPN. Fortunately he decided to stay in. Hargett sank the ball with his brother’s 9 iron to win the prize.

Buy and hold
Long-term stock investments can pay off. Lake Forest (Ill.) resident Grace Groner worked as a secretary at Abbott Labs (ABT) for 43 years. She bought three specially issued shares of the company’s stock for $180 in 1935 and held on to them over the next seven decades, reported wsj.com. The shares split several times, and she reinvested the dividends. By the time Groner passed away this year at age 100, she had 100,000 shares valued at about $7 million

Your bank adds a few extra zeroes to your account
Would you take millions if you had to live as a fugitive? New Zealand couple Leo Gao and Kara Hurring were managing a failing service station in Rotorua. Last May, Gao requested a NZ$100,000 overdraft from Westpac Bank. Instead he received NZ$10 million (or about US$6 million at the time) due to a typing error, reported the New Zealand Herald. Gao transferred part of the funds to various accounts in China and Hong Kong. The two left the country, and their debts, and have been on the run since. They are reportedly in China now, according to news website stuff.co.nz. Westpac Bank has recovered all but NZ$3.8 million. (The worker who botched the transaction was fired last August after she made a second error keying in a loan amount, although the second mistake did not result in a loss for the bank.)

Find treasure in your basement
Everyone dreams that their junk at home has not only sentimental value but also huge dollar value to collectors and eBay trollers. This is rarely true, but one family recently discovered a copy of Action Comics No. 1, dated June 1938, in their basement as they cleared the house in preparation for foreclosure, reported ABC News. The comic—the first to feature Superman—has an estimated worth of $250,000 and is expected to help the family keep the house.

作者:ceo/cfo海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

股市蜃楼,一个灰姑娘的故事,嘻嘻,友情提醒是英文 生活风情 2015-6-09 周二, 00:40
ZT: 一妻多夫, 英文版的报道, 2012年2月14日 海归茶馆 2013-3-02 周六, 13:50
看看ft的马丁。我付怎么评论08访华的。他的建议,英文版,sorry, 嘻嘻。 海归主坛 2009-11-18 周三, 20:20
新书,最后的皇后,写宋美龄,英文版,准备买来看看,好长,差不多800页。昨天 生活风情 2009-11-05 周四, 22:30
一些关于钱老前辈在美国的日子。他老朋友的孩子写的,英文版。 海归主坛 2009-11-02 周一, 10:21
[分享]另一篇关于中国问题的文章,英文版 海归主坛 2009-7-12 周日, 15:07
[原创]又有简单又赚钱的职位了!如果你英文好的话,电脑背景就行。。。 北京工作! 海归职场 2006-6-06 周二, 18:42
请推荐一个email群发软件,英文版的。收费的免费的都行。 海归酒吧 2005-9-17 周六, 16:19

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