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主题: [分享]快过新年了,分享一下交美国女朋友的心得.鼓励一下各位GG多泡洋妞
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作者 [分享]快过新年了,分享一下交美国女朋友的心得.鼓励一下各位GG多泡洋妞   

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文章标题: [分享]快过新年了,分享一下交美国女朋友的心得.鼓励一下各位GG多泡洋妞 (9247 reads)      时间: 2008-12-29 周一, 18:45

作者:纸飞机海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com



女友是我在B大的同学.和大多数在美国的朋友们不一样的是,偶是直接去美国读MBA,而且很幸运的拿了全奖(偶当年共申请了3所学校,拿了两个全奖,最想去的C大只免了学费,所以只好去了B大).女友是PART TIME班的,我们在第二学期的时候,她选了我们的金融课.平时到也没有什么交流.记得是期中考试的复习阶段,我们几个亚洲学生(只有我一个是真正从美国以外来的,其他的基本都是生在美国的亚洲人,对了,还有一个香港人)组了一个STUDY GROUP,探讨几个复习难点.她(叫她J吧)进到讨论室.当时我们刚好对一个题目做了结论,顺便谈起了女人三十,性欲会越来越强.我还特意跟他们讲了中国"三十如狼,四十如虎"的说法.J接了我的话茬: About the bond price equation, I have a different opinion. But as to the women's sex urge, I particularly like the wolf & tiger story. BTW, I am J, from the part time class and I don't have a group yet. Can I join your guys?

I kind of teased her: We can accept you if you tell me how did u know the wolf & tiger thing?

J: I like your flirting, but let me tell u why. I am in my late 20s and I started feeling that lately.

Anyway, it turned out to be a perfect group. The professor said normally there were around 1-2 A in his previous classes, but our class had 5 As, 4 were from our group. The HK guy and a Maylasian were A-.

The chemistry started building between J and myself, but nothing happened until the last gathering of our group. After the final test, we were wrapping up our group term paper. I proposed a late dinner for celebration, but all other guys had either a wife or GF and needed to go home. So they assigned the duty to me.

J and I took her car to a restaurant close to my home. And she ended up paying the bill because she works in Yahoo with a good pay. So I said: Why don't u let me pay back your favor, I have some good German beer at home (she is a 3rd generation German) and my room mate is on vacation.

So we finished 12 bottles of beers and the topics switched from "her Standford ex bf was classmate with Jerry Yang" to "whether the wife should learn sex skills like a prostitue in order to avoid the husband to have an affair" to "women's IQ seemed to be in negative correlation to tits size".

J said: well, i don't really agree with that.
I said: unless u let me check you out.


After around 15 minutes of foreplay, both of us were so ready to do begin the real play. I realized I didn't have a condom.

I said: honey, u don't really wanna do that without any protetion, r u?
J: It's too late to care about that. I can assure u that I am clean and it's safe today.
I: But how did u know I am clean?
J: Come on, don't be so chicken. I will have to take the chance. And so r u.


The relationship lasted for 1.5 years until the graduation. But J is quite different from most other American girls I dated later on. She is definitely Stanford eligible (but Stanford doesn't offer part time MBA), but has a very curvy body that definitely busted my theory on women's IQ & tits size.

Well, I have to say this is an extremely memorable experience. But I also have to say, it's a big challenge to marry sb. like her. It's too late tonight, but if I got the time, will cover some of the details.



作者:纸飞机海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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