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主题: 有人看过 面纱 -- The Painted Veil 么?
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作者 有人看过 面纱 -- The Painted Veil 么?   

头衔: 海归中将

头衔: 海归中将
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性别: 性别:男
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文章标题: 有人看过 面纱 -- The Painted Veil 么? (2374 reads)      时间: 2008-11-20 周四, 21:29

作者:Sandy_Rose海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

一年多前朋友推荐了看的, 很喜欢,然后写了一片后感。 刚刚又看了一遍。把以前的东西翻出来。

Sometimes the greatest journey is the distance between two people.

两个人之间最远的距离有多远? 地球是圆的,绕了一圈以后就回到了原地。 那么,两个人之间最远的距离应该是貌合神离了吧?看起来在一起的两个人,心却可以隔得那么远。要让这样的两颗心靠近,那是最长的历程。

The Painted Veil 讲述的就是两颗心靠近的历程。二十世纪二十年代, 一位自私而娇惯的英国上层社会的女孩嫁给了一个不解风情的中产阶级细胞生物学家。为的不是爱情,而是要离开嫌弃她的家庭。她跟随丈夫来到了上海,很快爱上了一个有妇之夫。当她的丈夫发现了她的不忠后,作为对她的报复,他决定到中国内地霍乱蔓延的灾区工作。 并要挟她一同前往,否则就要离婚。无奈之下,两人开始了心灵的互相折磨,也是互相靠近的历程。直到最后,两颗心终于真正燃起激情。 而就在这时,丈夫却在得知妻子怀孕不久之后,染上了霍乱,离开他的妻子和不是到究竟父亲是谁的遗腹子。

此片根据英国作家毛姆的小说《华丽的面纱》改编,全篇在中国拍摄,画面自然优美。 影片音乐由著名的朗朗钢琴演奏,并获得金球奖最佳原创电影音乐。 里面的精彩对白,让我有看原著的冲动。摘取我最喜欢的,留下细细品味。

Kitty: if a man hasn't what necessary for a woman to fall in love with him, then it’s his fault, not hers.


I married you even though I didn’t love you. But you knew that. Aren’t you as much to blame for what happened as I?

婚姻是双方的事,单方面努力的婚姻是不可能成功的。不努力的一方不见得就错,努力的一方也不见得就对, 就好像一个原地不动,而另一个在往反方向跑, 最终可能越跑越远。两个人意见可以不同,但是必须在同一个层面上,朝着共同的方向,才能不偏离共同的坐标。

Kitty: do you absolutely despise me?

Walter: no, I despise myself.

K: why?

W: for allowing myself loving you once.

Kitty: we humans are more complex than your silly little microbes. We are unpredictable, we make mistakes and we disappoint. I am sorry I am not the perfect young woman you wanted me to be. I am just ordinary, and I never tried to pretend I was anything else.

Walter: I suppose you are right. It was silly of us to look for the characters in each other that we never had.


The Nun: duty is only washing your hands when they are dirty. I fell in love when I was 17… with god. A foolish girl with romantic notions about a life of religious… But my love was passionate. Over the years my feelings have changed. He’s disappointed me, ignored me. We’ve settled into relationship of peaceful indifference… the old husband and wife who sit side by side on the sofa but rarely speak. He knows I will never leave him. That’s my duty. When love and duty are one, then grace is within you.

这几句是我最喜欢的。修女对责任的定义纠正了人们通常以来对这个词的错误理解:不要以为在表面意义上完成你该做的就完成你的责任。只有当爱与责任同时担当的时候,你才真正对得起你自己和你必须要负责任的人。对你爱的人负责,或者去爱你对其负责的人。不要爱一个你不能对他负责的人,因为爱他就意味着要对他负责!也不要对你不爱的人负责, 因为那样的责任是徒有虚名!爱你所爱,责其所责。任何的错位都会对你爱的人,爱你的人带来伤害。最重要的,在你终老的时候,回头问问自己,活这一生你对你的人生真正尽到责任了吗?

Walter died. Kitty didn’t cry when he was buried as if she didn’t realize he has gone forever. Until she saw the maid collecting his things, she yelled at her:” what are you doing?” Then she realized that her beloved husband has left her and she burst into tears…

In the end, Kitty and her son little Walter were on the London street. They run into Kitty’s former lover, Charles. They greeted and parted. The little boy asked his mother:”who is that, mommy?”. Kitty says:” no one important, darling…” while he might as well be the father of the little boy… 血缘,本应是世上最紧密的关系,没有了感情和时间的磨砺就什么也不是了。

P. s. The title is a reference to the Shelley sonnet 'Lift not the painted veil which those who live.' The entirety of this sonnet is as follows:

Lift not the painted veil which those who live Call Life: though unreal shapes be pictures there, And it but mimic all we would believe With colours idly spread, -- behind, lurk Fear And Hope, twin Destinies; who ever weave Their shadows, o'er the chasm, sightless and drear. I knew one who had lifted it -- he sought, For his lost heart was tender, things to love, But found them not, alas! nor was there aught The world contains, the which he would approve. Through the unheeding many he did move, A splendour among shadows, a bright blot Upon this gloomy scene, a Spirit that strove For truth, and like the Preacher found it not.

作者:Sandy_Rose海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

上一次由Sandy_Rose于2008-11-20 周四, 22:58修改,总共修改了1次

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