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主题: 共和党议员Peter DeFazio阐述美国救市计划(youtube听写系列)
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作者 共和党议员Peter DeFazio阐述美国救市计划(youtube听写系列)   
所跟贴 共和党议员Peter DeFazio阐述美国救市计划(youtube听写系列) -- 山东斯汀 - (2042 Byte) 2008-10-14 周二, 22:57 (2300 reads)

头衔: 海归准将

头衔: 海归准将
声望: 学员
性别: 性别:女年龄: 51
加入时间: 2005/09/14
文章: 679
来自: 某国驻华使馆
海归分: 106854

文章标题: 全记录(听不懂的地方用空格代替了,请大家补充,校对,挑挑刺。 (346 reads)      时间: 2008-10-16 周四, 19:58   

作者:山东斯汀海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

Under the speakers’s announcer policy January 18 2007 ,and under previous order of the house,the following members are recognized for five minutes each .

Mr walzeal of california

chair, for what purpose the gentalman from oregon rise?

ask unanimous consent to assume per place

without objection!the gentleman has 5 minutes!

I thank the gentle lady for the time, you know the American public needs to know that there is a band of tremendous amount of discussions about mainstreet, about credit for people to get student loans, car loans, home loans, and all that, and talk about jobs, but those things I support , I thank every member of this body supports they recognize we have a deepening recession here in the United States.

But the American public also need to know we are gonna borrow 700,billion dollars in their name for the bailout pac kage and not one penny of it goes to any of those issues, it is not aimed at the real economy of America, it is aimed solely at the froth on wallstreet,, the speculators on wallstreet, the non-productive people on wallstreet.

the certifiably smart master of universe like secretary of the treasury henry paulson who created this financial weapons of mass-destruction,And now Secretary of Treasury, a week ago, last Friday, lit the fuse by protecting worldwide economic collapse.if we didn't bailout those firms on wallstreet.

I believe there are simplier answers I just came from a meeting with(William Isaac). now he was, the head of federal deposit insurance cooperation. They dealt with banks. Mr. (Paulson) was a speculator on wallstreet. He deals with speculation, he doesn’t understand regulating banking in fact one of the first big moves(步骤) 10days ago was(that) he said: guarantee all the money markets,

(and it is on an unlimited way?), no one that did, it took 12 billion dollars in deposits from banks and they moved over in the money markets ‘cause the banks deposits are limited in their insurance and they pay lower rate insurance, he doesn’t even understand this industry. But he understands Wallstreet and speculators and most of people he grew up with he worked with and dines with and wines with, and most of the people he wants the help. In addition of the fact, there is a tremendous amount of pressure being put on by some very powerful creditors(债权人) and one of those happens to be the people’s republic of china who owns a lot of this junk ,and they wanna their money back or they are threatening us.

Now, that’s not a good reason to go ahead with this faulty proposal. It does not deal with underline crisis and housing, if we don’t deal with underline crisis and housing, the four closures the deteriorating values, when the values drop another 5% or 10%, when that next big adjustment comes from (March first), you are gonna find there is another trillion dollars and junk securities out there (involved of already master card credit), and people all of them lost their jobs.

(They are not dealing or saying) people are buying cars, it’s not, ‘cause I can get a loan, my credit union is given out loans right now, to anybody use credit work they need to go buy cars. People don’t have confidence, ‘cause their jobs is gonna be there,their wages haven’t increased, they are worried about the real economy, not the Wallstreet economy.

This is the problem, this disconnect in this body and particularly in this end of those millionares.

That is not gonna solved the underline problem what is being proposed here. There is a cheaper low cost, no cost alternative, the federal deposit insurance cooperation should declare the emergency Mr.(issl) just consoled that sound is, it gives them extraordinary powers.

They could use that to assess the same guarantee to all bank depositors (all people in banks) that they did with (-------?vocalbia) all general creditors, not investors but general creditors.

They said : that will immediately free up inner bank lending, it would immediately bring a flood of foreign deposits in US. ‘cause we will be a save (heaven) for banking and people’s deposit. But he is a regulator, a regulator with experience who piled this country out of the saving loan crisis and save a bunch of money.

he’s not a big time Wallstreet speculator, who came down here, and get a point from J,W BUSH with three quarters of billion dollars in this pocket for money he had made creating this financial weapons of mass destruction.

So we are listening to the wrong guy here and who believes JORG BUSH.

Does anybody in America believe him? Remember the last time, there are weapons of mass destruction, one month before the election.


And we got (started repeated) into the war, they are doing the same play board here. Don’t buy it, step back, take your time, use only no cost emergency powers first if that doesn’t work, then we can talk about some other big appropriation(拨款) of money. But don’t appropriate the money first give it with unlimited, unlimited powers to Mr. PAULSON. With that you are above to balance my time

作者:山东斯汀海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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