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主题: [原创]PLMM,你们还在约会在中国的白种小混混吗(white punks)??
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作者 [原创]PLMM,你们还在约会在中国的白种小混混吗(white punks)??   
所跟贴 [原创]PLMM,你们还在约会在中国的白种小混混吗(white punks)?? -- mermaidonearth - (1632 Byte) 2008-1-19 周六, 20:02 (3261 reads)

头衔: 海归中将

头衔: 海归中将
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加入时间: 2004/02/21
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文章标题: My thoughts (409 reads)      时间: 2008-1-20 周日, 21:57   

作者:幽忧海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

When people were tumbled by a rock, do you think shall they blame the rock or shall they blame themselves for careless?

It really doesn't matter whether the guy is white puck, whitle elite or chinese puck, chinese elite, the really matter is if you have self-respect. If you don't, you really shouldn't blame others treated you without much respect or take advantage of you. Do you think white elites or chinese elites will respect you more than pucks? They probably won't take advantage of you only because elites usually have more respect for themselves! So intead of pursuading these PLMM to not date with white pucks, why not pursuading them to have more self-respect? You might want to ask me how do I come up with the thought of disrespect, well, let's discuss further more of your 3 misunderstanding:

1. 误区一:因为“文化”,西方的人谈恋爱都是需要先经历“约会”,然后才进入“恋爱”。他们同时约会两个甚至几个女孩,都是平常的事情!他们需要时间增彼此的了解,这样才能清楚是否适合对方。


You are right, in western culture, usually DATE first, then next step is exclusive relationship. But DATE AROUND not means SLEEP AROUND. Since you know you and the guy are only in the DATE stage but you still offer the sex, what/who shall you complaint about? On the other hand, if you do follow the "规则", just DATE but not SLEEP, what's wrong to have some free dinners in a fancy restaurant with pleasant conversation? Actually i think it is almost necessary for girls too date 2-3 guys at the beginning before the exclusive relationship, so you would know better who is the one excatly you want to be with. The "规则" works for both side, guys and girls. Again, date is just date, once you two decide to have sex, then it comes to next step. So if a girl respect herself enough, she really should follow the "规则", which also make the guy/guys respect her more.

2. 误区二:西方的男人比中国人有钱!比中国男人浪漫。找个欧美的老公,就可以拿绿卡。

一般西方的人都习惯透支性消费,他们不会有积蓄的习惯。 “享受人生,活好今天”就是他们生存的口号!所以,那些PLMM想着嫁个老外过上舒适生活的念头,劝你们及早打消!就算经过多轮回的“约会竞争”,你最终拿得绿卡;你终有一天会发觉,原来你跟他结婚,是一起来“还债”的。


Well, this one is alomost no brain. Do you think if a girl has a gold-digger plan in head, and the guy who she is dating won't find out? i know there are some dump guys out there, but most of them are smarter than you, not only they won't respect a gold-digger, they will also enjoy the free ride without feeling any guilty.

误区三:西方人没有什么等级观念! 西方男人喜欢独立的女人。




Yes, "门当户对" is applied for any culture. Aagain, doesn't matter the guy is white puck, white elite or chinese puck, chinese elite, if yourself couldn't offer a quality package, the chance for you to win a quality package is very slight.

If you are respected yourself enough and independ, why should you complaint about paying your own taxi to home and paying for the dinner once a while? Do you think white elites or chinese elites will more appreciate for your dependent and nagging? One thing you are right, who would turn down a free ride if you are insisting offer?

Nowaday, the 2 biggest problems for many chinese gilrs are:

1. They don't understand if they don't respect themsevles, they can't expect others/men respect them.

2. i don't know it is because of our education system or the society environment, many chinese girls even those who are already in the early of 30, they are just too naive too simple(Another word-stupid). They don't know how to protect themselves and how to make men respect them. Further more, in most cases they don't even understand by just offering sex will never win a enjoyable relationship which they are looking for but a shame and broken heart.

So instead of blaming on men-pucks or elites and warn these PLMMs, i think we really should do is teaching these PLMMs to respect themselves more!

作者:幽忧海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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