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主题: 《狮子的转帖》美少将查尔斯.斯文尼1995年5月11日在美国国会发表的演讲
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作者 《狮子的转帖》美少将查尔斯.斯文尼1995年5月11日在美国国会发表的演讲   
所跟贴 查了国会图书馆的日志 -- 雨林 - (765 Byte) 2007-5-30 周三, 05:28 (976 reads)

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声望: 教授
性别: 性别:男
加入时间: 2005/05/15
文章: 2553

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文章标题: 英文原文和出处的调查报告(找到几条线索) (520 reads)      时间: 2007-5-30 周三, 07:16   

作者:正月鼠海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

第一条线索 (https://www.afa.org/media/enolagay/07-16.html)

Exhibit Blunders Force Smithsonian Probe

Air Force Magazine - July 1995, Pg. 23

Shock over a "revisionist interpretation" of the use of atomic weapons to speed the end of World War II has led a Senate committee to review the management practices of the nation's premier museum.

The Senate Rules and Administration Committee, which has oversight responsibility for the Smithsonian Institution, held two public hearings, May 11 and May 18, following national controversy over a planned display of the historic bomber Enola Gay at the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum.

Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska), chairman, established the framework for each hearing in his introductory remarks. He said that the Enola Gay controversy was not the first incident that has generated public concern about the museum and that the issues "raised serious management questions." He also said that the hearings were not being held to tear down the Smithsonian and that it is the duty of Congress to help preserve the Smithsonian as the central depository of the artifacts of our nation's history.

He added, "Those artifacts, together with facts proven at the time of decisions, permit judgments of history to be fair and unbiased."

Some of the committee members had served in uniform during World War II. A recurring issue for them -- particularly those who served in the Pacific theater -- was the museum's failure to consult individuals who had actually been there and seen the war firsthand. Responding to a question at the May 11 hearing, Maj. Gen. Charles W. Sweeney, USAF (Ret.), the World War II pilot who flew on both the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing missions, said that historians from the Smithsonian had never contacted him. In fact, Smithsonian officials even stated that they had "not exactly" consulted the NASM's advisory committee, which includes top military officers.

Dr. I. Michael Heyman, Smithsonian Institution secretary, said. "Our first sc<x>ript was deficient." He testified that the Smithsonian is incorporating a procedure "so exhibitions are quite well reviewed," adding that they will consult groups early enough to affect design and will include "explicit conversation at the outset" on a story line for exhibits.

However, Dr. Heyman and other Smithsonian officials maintained that they felt "the fundamental flaw [of the Enola Gay exhibit] was attempting to couple an historic dialogue of the use of atomic weapons with the fiftieth commemoration of the end of the war."

Throughout the second hearing, discussion centered on the attempts of some historians to "interpret" events Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) noted that there was a difference between what is acceptable for a public institution, such as the NASM, supported largely by taxpayer dollars, and a private one. She also took exception to what she termed the current theme of history books that "interpret" events rather than simply present facts that permit readers to reach their own conclusions.

Senator Stevens read aloud a section of the statute (ti<x>tle 20 of US Code), dating from 1961, that provides guidance for the National Air and Space Museum. He then stated, "I don't think you have any authority to display an exhibit questioning US use of the atomic bomb under this statute." Museum officials stated that this was not their intent.

In his testimony, Rep. Sam Johnson (R-Tex.), who recently joined the Smithsonian Board of Regents, said that while the Enola Gay "was not the only exhibit that had been overcome by political corectness and revisionism, I do want to stress that the majority of exhibits at the Smithsonian are very impressive and historically accurate."

Dr. Heyman, who became secretary in September 1994, said that the Smithsonian should be "historically accurate and balanced in all of its exhibitions." He added, "We have an obligation to consider the opinions of the interested public in the framing of the exhibitions." Among other corrective measures, he also noted that guidelines the Smithsonian is developing would include "the extent to which historical exhibitions should speak within the context of time."

Noting that private funding had been decreasing steadily since the 1950s, from thirty-one percent to fifteen percent of the Smithsonian's budget, Senator Stevens said that with the country facing "severe budget cuts," the Smithsonian would need to increase its private donations. He added, "Eroding public support will threater the ability of the Smithsonian to continue to be the central depository of our nation's artifacts."

You may contact the Air Force Association at 1501 Lee Highway, Arlington, Virginia, 22209-1198, or by email: [email protected]

This page is owned and operated by the The Air Force Association at 1501 Lee Highway, Arlington, Virginia, 22209-1198. Copyright 1995, 1996 Air Force Association

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AFA Testifies on Enola Gay

Air Force Magazine - July 1995, Pg. 90

AFA President R.E. Smith testified before the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration on May 11, 1995. Smith presented the committee with background on AFA's role in the Enola Gay controversy, which was first ignited after the publication of the article, "War Stories at Air and Space," in the April 1994 issue of Air Force Magazine.

Sen. Ted Stevens (R-AK) opened the hearing by stating, "We are here today because the Smithsonian decided to present an interpretation of the history of the Enola Gay's historic flight. The veterans in this country reacted strongly, for good reason, to the sc<x>ripts that emerged from the Smithsonian. In the 50 years since World War II ended, and recently, there has been a constant erosion of the truth of what really happened during that war."

Stevens pointed out that the purpose of the hearing was to review what went wrong with the Smithsonian's process -- "particularly, what led the Smithsonian to propose a view of the events that took place at the end of World War II that was contrary to those who lived through the war."

After recounting key milestones in the controversy, AFA President Smith said, "As we pointed out in our very first report on the Enola Gay, this is not the first flawed exhibit at the Air and Space Museum or within the Smithsonian complex. We believe that actions should be taken to ensure that curators in our national museums have the benefit of review and comment by a full range of recognized experts and that mechanisms be put into place to ensure that this happens."

The committee also heard testimony from the American Legion, The Retired Officers Association, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, and from Maj. Gen. Charles W. Sweeney, USAF (Ret.), who flew the instrument plane on the right wing of the Enola Gay on the Hiroshima mission and who commanded the atomic mission over Nagasaki three days later.

On May 18, the committee heard testimony from Smithsonian officials, including Secretary of the Smithsonian I. Michael Heyman and Dr. Tom Crouch of the National Air and Space Museum. He supervised the curators of the Enola Gay exhibit and drafted part of the sc<x>ript.

Heyman told the committee that, as a result of the controversy, he has initiated an independent management review of the National Air and Space Museum by the National Academy of Public Administration. AFA has briefed representatives from NAPA, and its report is due out in September. Heyman also revealed that he is in the process of developing policies for exhibitions across the entire Smithsonian complex.

Heyman stated, "We are developing guidelines that will establish appropriate parameters within which museum directors and curators will collaborate on the choice and design of exhibitions; the processes for review and intervention, including a role for the Secretary's office; the extent to which historical exhibitions should speak within the context of the time; and ways to assure that our multiple audiences feel that their own ideas are being respected."

Heyman also said that the Smithsonian would be willing to lend the Enola Gay to another museum that has the space to display the full aircraft. The National Air and Space Museum will not be able to accommodate the full aircraft until the Dulles extension of the museum is completed.

In terms of the law governing the Smithsonian, Stevens said at one point in the hearing that he would introduce legislation to clarify the charter of the Smithsonian Institution so that congressional intent concerning the role of the National Air and Space Museum would not be subject to misinterpretation in the future.

As a result of the controversy, the director of the National Air and Space Museum, Dr. Martin Harwit, resigned on May 2. In their testimony, Smithsonian officials gave no time<x>table for naming a successor.

You may contact the Air Force Association at 1501 Lee Highway, Arlington, Virginia, 22209-1198, or by email: [email protected]

This page is owned and operated by the The Air Force Association at 1501 Lee Highway, Arlington, Virginia, 22209-1198. Copyright 1995, 1996 Air Force Association

Return to the Enola Gay homepage.

为什么找不到?理由?见此 (https://www.senate.gov/reference/common/faq/how_to_committe_hrg.htm)

How to . . . find committee hearings

Published hearing transc<x>ripts contain all witness testimony, the question-and-answer portion of the hearing, and any other material requested of the witness by the committee. It takes several months, or even years, for a hearing to be published. Unlike most other congressional documents, hearings are not available from the Senate or House Document Rooms. You may be able to locate a hearing from the Government Printing Office, from a committee Web site, or from a federal depository library.

Web Access

Many committees post witness testimony on their Web sites shortly after a hearing takes place. However, the transc<x>ripts are generally the prepared statements submitted by each witness, so they will not contain the question-and-answer portion. You can find committee Web pages through the main Senate and House Web sites and on THOMAS. Most committees organize their hearing transc<x>ripts by date, and sometimes by subcommittee. Generally, testimony is only available for witnesses who submitted their statements electronically.

A limited number of published hearings since 1995 are available in full text on the Government Printing Office (GPO) Web site.


Published hearings may be available in a federal depository library. The federal depository library program is made up of over 1,300 libraries that collect government documents and make them available to the public for borrowing or reading. A list of depository libraries is on the GPO Web site. Most depository libraries are within a university or state library, so sometimes borrowing privileges are restricted.

Purchasing from GPO

Published hearings may be available for sale from the Government Printing Office (GPO), although it is often difficult to locate them in GPO's Catalog of U.S. Government Publications. More information is available from GPO by calling 202-512-1800 or writing to the Superintendent of Documents, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954.

作者:正月鼠海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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