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主题: <原> (女士就不要看了) 出门多带 VIAGRA,妙用多多。
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作者 <原> (女士就不要看了) 出门多带 VIAGRA,妙用多多。   

头衔: 海归中将

头衔: 海归中将
声望: 讲师

加入时间: 2007/03/07
文章: 921

海归分: 455347

文章标题: <原> (女士就不要看了) 出门多带 VIAGRA,妙用多多。 (1446 reads)      时间: 2007-5-23 周三, 06:44   

作者:allaboutU海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

几年前我发现拿 VIAGRA 送礼大家很喜欢, 从此, 我每次返回中国, 都设法带很多 VIAGRA, 送朋友, 送领导, 送客户, 送长辈 。。。。。。 送个不亦乐乎, 皆大欢喜。

现在想一想, 我带大量的 VIAGRA 入海关前后少说也有三十次了, 竟一次也没有被抽查到, 真是古怪。

有时侯需求过剩, 我手头的存货紧张, 挺为难的。 为对求而未得的朋友表示歉意, 甚至有两三次我专门带他们去唱歌。

VIAGRA 做礼品, 很别致, 也很体贴, 个中妙趣, 希望大家思想解放地想一想。

而且, 下面这篇文章 Gives us one more reason to travel with plenty, plenty Viagra:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The male impotence drug Viagra may be useful for treating jet lag as well, according to Argentine researchers who gave it to hamsters made to feel like rodent globe-trotters.

The researchers manipulated the schedule of turning lights on and off to induce jet lag in the laboratory animals, they reported on Monday in the Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences.

Adult male hamsters given Viagra, also called sildenafil, recovered from jet lag up to 50 percent faster than hamsters that were not given it, the researchers said.

The scientists stopped giving the hamsters the highest dose they had been using in the experiment due to a certain side effect.

"However, we used the intermediate dose for the rest of the experiments because at that dose animals did not manifest the effects of sildenafil-induced penile erections," they wrote.

Flying across multiple time zones can confuse one's sleep-wake cycle, resulting in the condition called jet lag, marked by insomnia, sleepiness and difficulty concentrating.

Researchers Patricia Agostino, Santiago Plano and Diego Golombek of the Universidad Nacional de Quilmes in Buenos Aires gave doses of Viagra to the hamsters at night, then switched on bright lights six hours early to simulate eastbound flight.

They judged how well the hamsters adjusted to the changes by observing when they began running on exercise wheels.

The drug helped the rodents cope with jet lag only when given before the equivalent of an eastbound flight, not the reverse when they delayed turning on lights to simulate westbound travel, the study found.

The researchers said the findings suggested that Viagra could be useful to help people cope with jet lag or shift work. They said the dose needed for such uses could be lower than the one used for treatment of erectile dysfunction.

Viagra interferes with an enzyme that lowers levels of a naturally occurring compound that plays a role in the regulation of the circadian cycle, the body's internal clock, the researchers said.

Viagra is marketed by Pfizer, the world's largest drug maker. The U.S.
Food and Drug Administration approved it to treat erectile dysfunction in 1998.

作者:allaboutU海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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