除了前兩天我說過的那股票,你要空花街,long SKF! SKF was up 40 points!!! :o the only stock on my list 戴綠帽子。 :mrgreen:

曾幾何時,people were talking about I as inflation, R as recession. Now people today talked about D word, deflation. CPI was down– deflation; job loss– deflation; hourse value down–deflation; stock market tumbled–deflation; retirement savings, personal income, interest income, year end bonus are all contracted—deflation. Gas price fell down from $4 per gallon to $1.75–deflation :mrgreen:
Even the word DD was mentioned recently, deflationary depression. :oops:

Any remedy to cure such disease?? Conventional wisdom tells me a few things can be done;
One, further reduce the interest rate, but the zero interest is almost one block away. Can anything be lower than zero percent???
Two, stimulus packages. But, how much money our ZF can throw around to stimulate the economy?? to borrow? from where? We have debt mountains and debt seas. :o

Only one way out. If I remember correctly as our beloved Fed Chairman Bernanke once put in 2002 that we had a special weapon called printing press that could produce the greenbacks at almost no cost. :o

I just don’t see how the dollar can become stronger from now on??!!

I don’t even have two cents now. :x