
candyheart’s Selection Into Who’s Who
Thursday, March 12, 2009 10:30 AM
From: "Bill Fields" <email>Add sender to Contacts
To: "candyheart" <candyheart>

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Hello candyheart,

You were recently appointed as a biographical candidate to represent your industry in the Who’s Who Among Executives and Professionals, and for inclusion into the upcoming 2008-2009 "Honors Edition" of the registry.

We are pleased to inform you that on March the 11th, your candidacy was approved. Your confirmation for inclusion will be effective within five business days, pending our receipt of the enclosed form.

The Office of the Managing Director appoints individuals based on a candidate’s current position, making use of information obtained from researched executive and professional listings. The director thinks you may make an interesting biographical subject, as individual achievement is what Who’s Who is all about. Upon final confirmation you will be published alongside thousands of goal-oriented individuals in the Who’s Who Registry. There is no cost to be included.

We do require additional information to complete the selection process and kindly ask that you access this form on our website by Clicking Here


Bill Fields
Managing Director