百年船级社诚聘Plan Approval Engineers

August 13th, 2008 by Jane Zhang
百年船级社诚聘Plan Approval Engineers
- Load line/Stability/Hull Weight 如果你在国家研究所工作2年,期望到更加广阔的国际公司开阔视野,如果你在民营的船舶设计公司里想换个环境到国外培训充电,请留意这个工作机会: 基本月薪高于市场平均水平,具体视个人" ...

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German-China JV looking for Plant Manager

August 1st, 2008 by Jane Zhang
Company Profile:
For our client company, a German Sino joint venture company in motor component/automobile industry we are looking for a plant manager in shanghai. The company is established in 2" ...

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July 16th, 2008 by Jane Zhang
Company Profile: One of the big four classifications authorizes us to search for qualified surveyors and engineers with the fast growth of the company’s business in China, they sincerely invites tale" ...

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钢铁行业著名外资公司诚聘Operation Manager

July 16th, 2008 by Jane Zhang
Company Profile
One of the best Steel Structure Engineering Company from Malaysia and now it is expanding fast in China. Compensation
RMB 400,000 /Y plus year-end bonus. Additionally, you can e" ...

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July 16th, 2008 by Jane Zhang
目前上海正大力发展船舶航运行业,各大船级社和国际著名船务工程公司相继登陆上海,开发业务、广纳贤才。如何可以乘风而上寻求更好的职业发展机会,是很多优秀人才不希望错过的。如何能找到优秀的人才配合企业发展战略,是很多企业头疼的问题。这时,作为搜寻人才的有效方式,HR人力资源谘询公司(猎头是其较为人之的项目)为企业与人才提供的专业服务应运而生,但是HR猎头谘询公司能为企业与个人创造的价值却比较不为人知。" ...

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